
What to expect when you invest in a managed portfolio?

  What can you expect when investing in the managed portfolio services provided by Distributed Energy? You can expect reliable returns of over 15%, tangible asset ownership backed by Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s) and automated portfolio diversification services. The team at Distributed Energy will find the best opportunities in renewable energy across developing countries for you. To learn more about our investment services in renewable energy, visit us on our website at -

Types of Renewable Energy Funding in India

India has set a target of 175 GW of renewable energy for 2022, including 100 GW of Solar energy. By the end of 2019, India has only installed 85.9 GW of total renewable energy. Types of Renewable Energy Funding in India from The broad gap between the actual and target capacity can be attributed to a number of factors, including inadequate debt financing. Read the article to know why renewable energy funding is important.

Make A Solar Loan to Renewables

Interested to invest in solar energy and other forms of clean energy? If so, as an investor you can invest with the help of Renewables. With just the click of a button, you can give a solar loan towards a wide range of solar projects, across various parts of the world.  Investors can earn a 6% APY if they lend $25 or more towards our clean energy projects in Africa and Asia. For more details, visit: